Acne is NOT Caused by Dirty Skin
A common myth that I've heard about acne is that it's somehow caused by having dirty skin! This is totally false, and hygiene is scientifically proven to have absolutely NOTHING to do with the onset of acne. Additionally, expensive cleansers will do very little, if anything at all, for stubborn or severe acne.
Acne is NOT Caused by Over-Washing Overwashing your face is often a frustrated attempt to clear away acne. I've been there. The only thing it ever did was further irritate my acne, which lead to a longer healing process. Yet overwashing DOES NOT cause acne in the first place.
Acne is NOT Caused by Bacteria A strain of bacteria called Propionibacterium acnes is thought by many so-called experts to be the cause of acne. This leads to antibiotic acne treatments that target this strain of bacteria, which most people find to be very ineffective. I took 3 types of antibiotics to clear my skin, and none of them worked. This is because bacteria is ONLY involved in the very LAST STAGES of the development of acne, but it by no means causes acne.
“The Acne Enemy Revealed”
Acne would always make me feel emotionally exhausted. I would get new zits and cysts after waking and during the day. It didn't seem to make any difference how often I cleansed my face, what I used to cleanse with, or whether I touched my face. Acne was not only horrible to get all the time, it was a confusing mystery as well. That's how I used to feel anyway. But when I discovered how food made a huge difference to whether I got acne or not, I started to research exactly which……………
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