Using my 15 years of experience as a health and nutrition coach and hours of research, I discovered the secrets to exercising and eating for pregnancy…
...9 months later I had lost all my weight and I'm now in better shape than I was before I was pregnant!”
-Michelle Moss, author of Pregnancy Without Poundsand Mommy Without Pounds
Discover the secrets that most pregnant women will never know about pregnancy. Inside you'll learn...
• How to avoid unwanted excess pounds (for a healthy pregnancy and baby!).
• Exactly which pregnancy exercises get you fit and toned.
• How to have an easy labor and quick recovery.
• Exactly what you need to do now to lose weight quickly after delivery.
• Secrets to minimize stretch marks and cellulite.
• And you'll also get a FREE subscription to Michelle Moss's exclusive Pregnancy Secrets e-Letter...
The ONE EXERCISE you must do!
I know a lot of you out there are wondering whether it’s too late to start exercising.
Whether you’re 3 weeks or 36 weeks, it doesn’t matter, the important thing is that you begin today. (Of course, it goes without saying that you should get your Doctor’s okay before beginning any type of exercise routine during pregnancy.)
Now I’m not referring to heavy cardio exercises like a lot of people preach. What I am talking about is simple exercises that keep you fit for your pregnancy, delivery and post-partum recovery.
And the most important exercise you must begin to do today is the KEGEL.Why? Because KEGELS help keep your pelvic floor muscles TONED and TIGHT.
And if you keep them strong (because they will weaken naturally from the increasing weight of your baby!), you'll be LESS LIKELY to: tear your perineum or need an episiotomy during delivery, develop hemorrhoids, or have urine leakage when you sneeze or cough. You will also be MORE likely to have an EASIER birth! Now kegels are definitely the most important, but an interesting thing I learned is that KEGELS are not the only pelvic floor strengthening exercise you need to do. For example, I always thought that you ONLY focus on squeezing the inner muscles of your vagina – WRONG!
You also have to squeeze your anal muscle, better known as your “fart” muscle, to strengthen your pelvic floor. Ok, now I know this is kind of graphic but if I don’t share this with you – who will?If you’d like to learn how to do KEGELS as well as many more exercises to get you fit for your pregnancy, labor and post-partum recovery, secure your copy of my book, Pregnancy Without Pounds, today. You’ll not only receive great advice on how to get through your pregnancy without gaining those unnecessary pounds, but you’ll also have 3 different exercise routines to choose from, depending on your energy level. Get your cop here today. And if you’re feeling exhausted, don’t worry, my Tired Mama exercise program is for you too! The important thing is that you strengthen the body parts that are getting weakened by your growing belly – you

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