Discover the Secret Method Busy Moms Are Using to Burn the Lingering “Baby Fat” and Get Their Body Back with Fun, Fast Sessions You Can Do in Your Living Room
Dear Mom,If you’ve spent hundreds (or even thousands) of dollars on pills, weight loss diets, personal trainers, bulky cardio equipment or even plastic surgery, but nothing has helped you lose the remaining baby fat and get your body back, then this is by far the most important letter you’ll ever read.
Hi, I’m Holly Rigsby, CPT, and an enthusiastic, on-the-go BUSY Mom to 6 year old Tyler (who is “into” Marvel Heroes, Transformers, soccer and baseball). He brightens my every waking hour and keeps me involved with imaginary games of super heroes and baseball in the backyard.He tires me out, but the busy Mom lifestyle alone wasn’t enough to help me lose the lingering “baby fat” after pregnancy. I tried aerobics classes and yoga sessions, but they didn’t help either. My body needed a better workout, but in less time than ever!Plus, if you’re like me, you don’t have time to spend driving to and from a noisy, stinky, commercial gym leaving your child in a “day care” where qualifications are questionable. And you don’t have time or energy to waste on long, slow boring aerobic workouts. You need results and you need them fast while still having the time and energy to care for the never ending needs of your family.
With the Fit Yummy Mummy Lifestyle System, you can lose fat in the comfort of your own home allowing you to…
Reclaim your tight body and butt
Tone your arms, legs, and abs
Reverse the aging process
Lift your glutes
And perk up your chest
All in under 90 minutes per week!
Here’s the Inside Scoop on What Makes the Fit Yummy Mummy Lifestyle System So Refreshing and Stress-Free While Allowing You to Change Your Body Faster than Ever...
You’ll get results NOW! When comes to changing our bodies, we’re as impatient as a child on the Night Before Christmas. That’s why I’ve designed the Fit Yummy Mummy workouts to be short and sweet, while helping you finally beat the “scale-that-won’t-budge”. You’ll see results fast and look years younger in only weeks.
You’ll burn the baby fat off forever. With cardio programs and generic workouts you get at a commercial gym, most Mom’s never truly get rid of the “baby fat” that we pack on during pregnancy. No matter how hard we try, how much cardio we do, or what fad diet we try, none of these approaches seem to work. But I stumbled across a fast (and fun!) exercise solution that allows you to burn the baby fat in the comfort of your own home. The sessions will be over before you know it!
You’ll get your pre-baby body back. Despite what others have told you, you actually can get back to wearing regular jeans (and even sizes smaller than before pregnancy!), thanks to the simple Fit Yummy Mummy system. It’s not unusual for a Fit Yummy Mummy to say she looks better now than she did in her early 20’s, even when she was doing hours and hours of aerobics each week.
You’ll get fit in under 90 minutes per week. That’s not a typo. Most women think you need 90 minutes per day to get fit and burn the belly fat. But not if you exercise the Fit Yummy Mummy way. You only need 90 minutes per week – heck, that’s less than most daily Yoga sessions I’ve been to! You’ll get more results in less time with

own bodyweight. And you don’t have to sacrifice quality time with your kids, or time better spent preparing meals and taking care of your family.
For more details click here
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